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Pasteurizatoare pentru lapte


Laptele, produs principal in alimentatie

Laptele este cel mai utilizat produs in alimentatia oamenilor dar si a animalelor.

Copiii nou-nascuti dar si puii de animale consuma cu placere laptele care contribuie din plin la dezvoltarea lor.

Laptele a fost consumat din vechime ca aliment de baza in hrana diferitelor popoare, ca romanii, babilonienii, asirienii si grecii.

Datorita valorii sale hranitoare, laptele mai este numit si „sangele alb”;

In compozitia laptelui sunt foarte multe substante nutritive necesare vietii omului, de exemplu peste 45 elemente minerale, 20 aminoacizi, 4 feluri de lactoze, peste 10 acizi grasi, 25 vitamine, proteine.

Proteinele contribuie la mentinerea sanatatii si cresterii prin aminoacizii continuti.

Grasimea are rolul de a energiza organismul si de a forma rezervele de grasime in acesta.

Vitaminele isi aduc si ele aportul nutritiv la continutul laptelui.

Datorita faptului ca substantele nutritive din lapte se regasesc in procente optime, organismul uman asimileaza mai bine laptele decat orice alt aliment.

Laptele poate fi consumat proaspat, pasteurizat, sau transformat in produse lactate.

Materia prima pentru industria laptelui si a produselor lactate o constituie laptele de vaca, de oaie si bivolita.

Necesitatea pasteurizarii laptelui

Pentru a evita infectarea organismului cu diferite bacterii, se prefera ca laptele sa se consume pasteurizat.

Pasteurizarea reprezinta mijlocul de conservare a alimentelor, in special a celor lichide, si a fost inventata Louis Pasteur, operatiune care se efectueaza azi cu pasteurizatoare pentru lapte.

Acest proces de conservare inseamna încalzirea alimentelor la temperatura de aproximativ 70 °C, si racirea imediata a acestora la temperatura de 4-6 °C.

Scopul pasteurizarii este acela de a elimina flora patogena a alimentelor fermentabile si în acest mod de a impiedica alterarea acestora, urmarindu-se totodata pastrarea in totalitate a însusirilor alimentului.

Pasteurizarea laptelui

Din fericire pe piata au aparut metode tehnologice complexe de evitare a alterarii alimentelor si mai ales a laptelui, incluzand pasteurizatoare pentru lapte.

Aceste pasteurizatoare pentru lapte utilizeaza aburul sau apa la temperatura inalta, ca agenti pentru schimbatoarele de caldura.

Etapele procesului de pasteurizare:

  • atingerea parametrilor prin circularea agentului

  • introducerea in instalatie a laptelui

  • pasteurizarea laptelui si trimiterea spre ambalare a acestuia

Incalzirea laptelui se produce instantaneu, temperatura mentinandu-se tot instantaneu, avand un efect minim asupra substantelor nutritive ce trebuie pastrate in compozitia laptelui.

Pentru producatorii de lapte si produse lactate care isi cauta un furnizor serios de pasteurizatoare pentru lapte recomandam Facility Distrib, care ofera echipamente de calitate superioara in domeniu.

Solutiile tehnologice importate direct si oferite de Facility Distrib ajuta la cresterea performantei sectorului de produse alimentare si contribuie la diminuarea costurilor de intretinere.

Sediul Facility Distrib este in Bacau, de unde si distribuie echipamente de la producatorii cei mai importanti din lume.

Un fierbator de lapte include componente diferite de exemplu: pompe pentru alimentare si suprapresiune, vase de inox necesare alimentarii, aparate de masura, control si pasteurizare, racorduri, etc.

Facility Distrib distribuie in afara de pasteurizatoare pentru lapte si alte produse necesare in procesul de productie: pompe, schimbatoare de caldura, filtre, sisteme de control, ventile, armaturi din inox, oale de condens, robineti de proba, umidificatoare, etc.

Aceasta gama diversificata de produse distribuita recomanda Facility Distrib drept cel mai potrivit partener pentru orice echipament tehnic dorit in procesele de productie, pentru diferite industrii. 

0 Responses to "Pasteurizatoare pentru lapte"

  • Comment is awaiting moderation
    februarie 10, 2021 - 3:26 pm Reply

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an „if only” sort of way.

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  • Comment is awaiting moderation
    februarie 10, 2021 - 3:31 pm Reply

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an „if only” sort of way.

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  • Comment is awaiting moderation
    februarie 10, 2021 - 3:38 pm Reply


    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an „if only” sort of way.

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  • Comment is awaiting moderation
    februarie 10, 2021 - 3:43 pm Reply


    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an „if only” sort of way.

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  • Comment is awaiting moderation
    februarie 10, 2021 - 3:45 pm Reply


    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an „if only” sort of way.

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  • Comment is awaiting moderation
    februarie 10, 2021 - 3:50 pm Reply


    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an „if only” sort of way.

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